About Us

Everything you need to know about GalleryGift

About Us

Hello and welcome to GalleryGift! We make it easy for artists, family, friends and colleagues to individually or collectively gift an original artwork.

GalleryGift started with an idea that more people should be able to fill their homes with art they love, that artists should be able to reach customers easily and because it’s so hard these days to think of personal, unique, valued gifts that you know they will absolutely love and don’t already have.

The giving of art is now easy and affordable because multiple friends and family can contribute towards the one artwork. There is something very special about owning a piece of art that has been given to you by friends and family, a memento of a special day or time. Weddings, milestone birthdays, anniversaries, baby showers and house warmings are just some examples of when GalleryGift is the perfect solution. And if it’s you doing the giving, you know they will love it because they get to choose it! Recipients can either select an already made piece, commission a purpose made artwork from one of our talented artists or find something in one of our participating galleries.

At GalleryGift, only artists of a very high standard are accepted onto the site. We pride ourselves on bringing beautiful, creative, unique artwork to the public so you can choose with confidence.

We believe GalleryGift is revolutionising the way art is bought and sold by giving modern day artists a place to exhibit their work based solely on talent and popularity while making original art much more accessible, achievable and affordable for all of us. Finally, original art is something for everyone!